Squash and Stretch Gives a sense of weight; good examples of this maintain the drawn figure's volume throughout the animation. Anticipation Used to prepare the audience for an action; draw attention to what is important within the scene. " the presentation of any idea so that it is completely and unmistakably clear." Staging An obvious hierarchy of importance within any given scene; the audience should know what they are about to need to focus on. Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose Straight Ahead Action ; drawing out a scene from the first frame to the last. Pose to Pose; start by drawing key frames and then filling the 'in-between' content later. Also, works better for emotional scenes. Follow Through and Overlapping Action Helps render movement more realistically; character's follow the laws of physics, and have inertia. 'Loosely tied parts of the body should continue moving after the bulk of the body has halted,'...