
Showing posts from September, 2017

Jumping Animation - Pt. 1 - 3


Three Shape Model Animation - Pt. 1 - 4


Animated Bouncing Ball - Maya 2018


Animated Pendulum - Maya 2018


First Ever Animation - Ball and Square


Converting animation to Video - Maya 2018

*go to this window > set the output to as high or low as you want, as well as the format > 'Save to File' > Browse and select where you want to save it > 'Save' > 'Apply'

Adjusting Spacing and Movements on Motion Paths - Maya 2018

*adjusting the key frames on the graph editor makes the UFO zoom around the corner, but you can change it to how you like Whoa! You can make it do tricks! Make a keyframe on frame 1, and move along the curve with Auto KeyFrame toggled on. Now when you stop it at certain points, turn it on its axis, it makes a new keyframe! it'll smooth it out into an animation :D

Motion Path Constraint - Maya 2018

* Make sure that your object's and the path's axis' are aligned.

Ghost Tool - Maya 2018


Editable Motion Trail - Maya 2018


Blending Together Animations - Maya 2018

Select only the Control Curves -  before you load an animation Load up them animations Make the animations interlope Wow, so blended *the further you conjoin them, the better the transitions maya makes "Bake" the mixed animation into KeyFrames that you can edit

Importing and Exporting Animation Clips - Maya 2018

The Exporting Function *Title the file, choose the location, and click Export The Importing Function *make sure inappropriate animations don't overlap!

Animation Clips and Introduction to the Time Editor - Maya 2018

Location The Editor - Basic Examples Making an animation Slower Making and animation Faster Looping an animation Splitting Clips

Animating a Bouncing Ball - Maya 2018


The Graph Editor Pt. 1 - Maya 2018

Windows > Animation Editors > Graph Editor Left Highlighted Box :: Graph Editor Outliner :: displays channels in control curve Right Highlighted Box :: Keyframe menu :: shows keyframes of the animation Middle Highlighted Box :: Graph View :: shows the curves associated with the channels Movement HotKeys More Movement HotKeys and What the Top Bar of Numbers Means More HotKeys and How to Move and Add KeyFrames

Animating Robot Artillary - Maya 2018
